Wednesday 11 May 2011

12.5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

The unique selling point (USP) of our film, Relapse, is the fast-paced action and violence that most British films wouldn’t usually feature; this is more conventional in American films. Our idea to use the ending of the film at the beginging could also be considered to be a unique selling point, due to the fact that it creates a sense of mystery around the intentions are reasoning behind the character’s actions. This could potentially attract the audience to continue watching the film to establish why these events occurred. 
Our audience feedback was relatively positive as they appreciated the variety of camera angles that we used to present the running sequence. When viewing our rough cut, our audience didn’t respond well to the silent opening as they weren’t aware as to whether the film had started, and they weren’t keen on name of the film. We have since rectified these issues to provide the audience with the most successful version possible.

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