Friday 6 May 2011

Audience Response

After reviewing our title sequence, the target audience explained that their expectations of a crime genre title sequence were exceeded as they stated that our group “did it justice”. It also became apparent that the pace was successfully captured due to a variety of shots depicting the motion of the characters and that this pace was paralleled by the music effectively. They thought that the abrupt titles also continued to generate this pace and suited the genre.
However, they thought that the shot of Liam running wasn’t as successful due to the fact that the camera tilted towards an awkward angle which was the result of improvising with a skate board as a make-shift camera dolly.
The target audience also provided suggestions for our untitled project, such as “Chase” which was a simple, yet direct suggestion for our title, considering the title sequence is primarily composed of a chase scene. They also proposed we title it “Relapse” to emphasize the drug abuse theme which is apparent throughout the film, and this would also make the title more relevant by combining the content of the film with the title which could provide future, potential viewer’s with a greater insight into the film before they watch it.

As a group, we also generated various questions which we thought would evoke a constructive response from our target audience. These are the questions that we used, and the format that we presented them in:
These were the results that we derived from the questions within this survey:

Based on these results, we were able to conclude that our title sequence was recognized as a crime genre by 70% of our audience and the remaining 30% acknowledged other aspects of our title sequence which could be misconstrued as a convention of a thriller or action genre. We also established that the majority were able to understand and follow the sequence of events, and these events also encapsulated the majority of our audience.
However, the results based on the suitability of our audio were relatively successful, but this was still significantly lower than the previous results which suggests that this is an aspect which we could improve upon.

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