Wednesday 11 May 2011

A production company is a company that is responsible for the physical production of a media product and they may also be directly responsible for funding the production.

The production company that we chose to use was entitled Kings Langley Productions, and we specialise in crime genre films. Our film, Relapse, is a middle age crime film – we have incorporated our knowledge of crime genre films with our understanding of the media consumption of a stereotypical middle-aged man to create this niche, British film. A similar British production company is Coffee Films who commonly produce feature and short films. Coffee Films are renowned for filming with a limited budget and, like Coffee Films; we are aiming to reach an audience who are interested in the crime genre, at the same sort of age.

Our film focuses on the lives of men who have resorted to crime due to a financial strain, and it attempts to convey the hardship that they are experiencing as a result of this with some fast paced action scenes. Consequently, I think that our film could attract a Hollywood company who could distribute a crime genre film, because their target audiences, or audiences that recognise their brand name, are similar to ours.

A distribution company could be involved even during the scriptwriting, as they could analyse the text and suggest whether there is a market for such a media product. The MGM Company have distributed films such as, Another Thin Man, The Beast of the City amongst numerous other crime genre films. The MGM Company is experienced in distributing media products to their target audience which is also comprised of primarily middle aged men, as opposed to teenagers or an older generation.

On the other hand, Contender Films, who have experience in distributing media products to both cinemas and on DVD, is a British distribution company which have also released crime genre films. They have recently been acquired by the Entertainment One Company which consequently resulted in an increase of funding available and are also linked to other companies which would aid them during the distributing process to a larger audience.

These are the types of companies that we would consider if we were going to distribute our media project due to the fact that they have knowledge of the crime genre, subsidiaries which could expand our audience and have generated a fan base which is similar to the audience which our film could appeal to.

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