Sunday 6 February 2011

Research into Opening Sequence Designs

I decided to generate some notes based on an interview with a successful producer of numerous innovative title sequences. The interview that I based my notes on was separated into two sections which consisted of: 

Interview Part 1:
Kyle Cooper is responsible for the creation of numerous successful title sequences such as ‘Seven’, ‘Dawn of the Dead’, Spiderman’ trilogy and ‘Superman Returns’.

During the interview, Kyle Cooper highlighted various aspects of a title sequence which he considered to be important. This consisted of:
Interview Part 2:

Kyle Cooper was influenced by the title sequence ‘The Dead Zone’. From this he developed an interest in title sequences and developed a preference for story based title sequences as he found them more appealing.

An example of this type of title sequence would be ‘Dawn of the Dead’ which depicts various news bulletins which relate to the film. Cooper described it as a back story as it acted as a prologue to the film by educating the audience about previous events that they would otherwise be unaware of and consequently effect the connection with the film.

From this information, I’ve become more aware of the significance of the title sequence and Cooper has highlighted the importance of ensuring the title sequence blends in with the film which would be achieved by treating it as a prologue or introduction to the future event. I should also concentrate on the relevance of the font used in the title sequence as this is a key feature of this section. 

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