Sunday 6 February 2011


Synopsis of the Whole Film
The film follows Nick, starring James Lyons, through an emotional journey in which he attempts to save the life of his dying daughter, starring Kelly Brown, by funding a lifesaving operation. He is a successful businessman and this financial goal is easily achievable for him, until he allows the stress of his daughter’s illness to interfere with the quality of his work and he is fired from his role in the company.
From this, his life begins to spiral out of control as he uses the controversial drug trade and other illegal methods to fund his daughters operation but after becoming addicted to the substances he formerly sold, he was incapable of prioritizing his savings. His daughter ultimately passes away which results in a prolonged battle with schizophrenia and eventually the dramatic ending.

Synopsis of the Title Sequence
The main character, Nick, starring James Lyons, will be shown running in various locations. He will also be shown panicking over the voices that he can hear whilst he’s running. As Nick is running, there will be scenes which reveal the titles and will be superimposed in the editing process. At the end of the title sequence, Nick is shown contemplating shooting himself as Raoul enters the shot, and the audience feel obliged to watch the whole film to discover which character dies. At this moment, the screen will black out and the title of the film will appear on a black screen.  

We decided to create a timeline to depict the timings of each element within our title sequence so that we could be more aware of the time during the filming process. We separated the audio elements from the visual aspects but ensured that the timings correlated with each other.

We based the majority of our decisions on previous, successful crime title sequences. This is evident as we will include a screen black out at the end of the sequence and will display the title of the film, similarly to the sequence of Goodfellas. We were also influenced by the weaponry revelation towards the end in the title sequence of Goodfella, as we incorporated this element of mystery through out our title sequence and disclosed the gun at the end.

We have also been inspired by the method that the film Pulp Fiction used to included the opening credits as we will also displayed the text on a black screen to separate what appears to be real events, from a surreal superimposed section of text.

To ensure that our group had a clear idea of which shot was in what location, we created a shot list so that during the filming process, we had a clear reference as to what shots are needed to complete our title sequence.

We thought that shooting lots of short shots in numerous locations would convey a fast paced atmosphere and portray a sense of movement due to the fact that the character will be seen in various locations.
Scene No.
Shot No.
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
Establishing shot of the path where NICK is going to be running
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
CU of feet seen running over and away from the camera. Non-Diegetic music starts as foot plants
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
MCU of NICK seen running past the camera with RAOUL following.
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
LS  tracking the two character from a high angle shot
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
LS NICK followed by RAOUL round a corner, panning from right to left.
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
MS Follow feet of running characters
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
CU Shot of faces whilst running
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
MS Shot of feet whilst running
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
CU Shot of faces whilst running
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
POV shot from NICK running
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
LS Tracking shot of NICK running then stops and watches him running away
Kings Langley
Blackwell road
 NICK stops running and seen in CU deciding route
Kings Langley
Common Lane
LS Panning of NICK running down road into woods
Kings Langley
Common Lane
Music fades out. MS NICK sits down, takes out picture and gun
Kings Langley
Common Lane (Woods)
CU of NICK’s face, looking very emotional at the picture.
Kings Langley
Common Lane (Woods)
MS of NICK sitting down contemplating, whilst RAOUL rounds the corner, NICK looks.
Black Out with a Gunshot followed by Title

To further install our idea, we decided to draw a storyboard which depicts the movement of the characters and the technical details. We have also included a description of what has been depicted in the storyboard.
It’s important to perform a risk assessment so that we are prepared for the filming stage and this can be achieved in the knowledge that everyone is safe. Listing all potential hazards also ensures that everyone is aware of the dangers and also what can be done to prevent it.

Based on the preliminary task, it became apparent that some members weren’t aware of what they were responsible for, so we decided to state whose responsibility it was for each element of the Mise En Scene for our project:
We also decided to create a crew list describing the roles of each member of the project for each scene, and any additional props or equipment that is required.


In order to prepare for the filming process we photographed the locations which we were going to use as our set and later analyzed various aspects of that location and the effects that it could have on the film. This is the conclusions that we made:

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