Sunday 6 February 2011

Choosing our Genre

The following tables depict the findings derived from my research into popular film genres. The initial table illustrates which film was most popular each year for the past 8 years and which genre that film has been categorised in. Similarly, the last table also shows which film was most popular and which genre that film was categorized in but based on films which were released in the year 2010.
 Based on this research, I can conclude that the most popular film genre over the past decade is either Adventure or Action. This is further reiterated by the pie chart which depicts a more accurate account of the most popular film genre in 2009 and also highlights the popularity of the Action and Adventure genre. This suggests that Action and Adventure are the most desired genre by the audience.
However, the majority of this data was derived from an American based website which has gathered the information based on cinema attendance in the USA. As a result of this, it doesn’t provide an accurate representation of the general audience.

The comedy genre is also popular within the film industry over the past decade as the films which were deemed most watched in the years: 2010, 2004 and 2003 all had an element of comedy. This is also apparent in the following website,2010 which lists various films which have been considered by viewers as a “Top Movie”. Many of these films also had an element of comedy such as “In 200 Characters or Less” which received a score of 10/10. Although the reliability of this data could be questioned as this score was the result of 9 voters.
 Based on these findings, it’s apparent that both Adventure and Comedy are the most desired genres in the year: 2010. As this data has been gathered recently, it can provide a more accurate indication as to which genre of film audiences are most interested in.

As a group, we also generated a questionnaire with the intention of discovering the tendencies of the current film audience and what genre would appeal to the largest possible audience. The questionnaire that we distributed consisted of something similar to the following:
The results of this questionnaire consisted of:
The expectations of a title sequence varied depending on which genre the individual found most appealing, but generally there was a mutual need for a fast paced sequence with the titles incorporated into the action as they felt that this would maintain their interest in a commonly dull section of the film.

The majority of the people who completed the questionnaire frequently attended the cinema which consequently makes these participants response more valid as they are sufficiently aware of the film industry. 100% of the people who completed the questionnaire stated that they attended the cinema solely with their friends, which accounts for the lack of interest in a family filmed genre. However, this result is slightly bias because all of the participants were old enough to attend the cinema unaccompanied by an adult.  

Generally, the film genre that the participants would appreciate more of corresponds with the most popular film genre: Horror and Comedy.

From these findings, I will consider creating a fast paced sequence with titles incorporated with the action to maximise the audience’s attention. I will also avoid developing a Family of Fantasy genre film as these were the least popular with the target audience. However, I will deviate from the most popular genre as I think those genres will be quite difficult to portray successfully and effectively. 
     Based on the results from these questionnaires, it’s apparent that the most popular genre for films that have recently been released is Horror and Comedy, which was also highly rated as films that the audience would like to see more of.

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