Sunday 26 December 2010


Based on my evaluation of the Pre-production, Production and Post-Production stage, I can easily conclude that I need to:

- Improve the quality of my blog by using ICT more effectively which will create a more visually appealing and organised blog. I could do this by assessing the quality of my work before posting it by clicking the ‘Preview’ option. I could also ask other members of the group or friends to provide constructive criticism of my work before I post it.

- Communicate with other group members more frequently and effectively by making a conscious effort to include everyone. This should improve the quality of our working because everyone should understand what their task is, as well as other people’s tasks.

- Use the video camera more effectively by frequently practicing how to operate such a device and asking the more experienced members of the group for their advice as to how a certain shot could be improved. This should enhance the quality of the footage of our filming and as a result, make the final product more effective.

- Be more creative with the initial idea for our film by using a mind map of ideas instead of settling for the first idea. I could do this by making a conscious effort to think outside the box and be original. This could make our film different from others and become more interesting.

- Focus on the use of lighting by assessing the quality of lighting on the set before filming which should improve the quality of the product and our opinion of the footage.

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