Sunday 26 December 2010

Independent Work Towards my Targets

In order to improve the lighting used when filming, I researched various different types of lighting and the effect it can have on a subject. I found that:

Lighting Below Eye Level
o   Portrays a significant contrast
o   Dramatic effect
This photograph that I took is an example of a shot which has used lighting below eye level to emphasize the physical features of the subject. It portrays a dark and villainous atmosphere.

Soft Lighting
o   Commonly created by reflected light
o   Usually used to depict tone
o   Using one light source
o   Smooth, gradual transition from dark to light tones
This photograph that I took is an example of a shot which has used soft lighting to lightly depict tone. It portrays a soft and positive atmosphere.

Hard Lighting
o  Commonly used to depict contrast
o  Portrays a dramatic tone
o  Harsh, abrupt transition from dark to light tone
o  Commonly created by a naked bulb
o  Casts dark, distinctive shadows

This photograph that I took is an example of a shot which has used hard lighting to emphasize the physical features of the subject. It can portray a dark atmosphere.

The concept of the Three Point Lighting technique consists of the key light which is considered to be the main source of light. It is usually the strongest and has the most influence on the overall quality of the lighting. It also consists of a fill light which is the secondary source of light and is usually placed on the opposite side of the key light. It is used to soften the shadows created by the key. The fill light is commonly softer than the key light. And the final element of the three point lighting is the background light which is placed behind the subject. Rather than providing direct lighting like the key and fill, its purpose is to provide definition and subtle highlights around the subject's outlines. This helps separate the subject from the background and provide a three-dimensional look.
I intend to achieve the remaining targets, consisting of improving the quality of my blog, communicating with other group members more frequently and effectively, using the video camera more effectively and being more creative with the initial idea for our film through practice during the main task.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good start looking at lighting. I would also recommend that you research the principles of "three-point lighting" to further your studies. Well done and good luck, Mrs Shipp.
