Sunday 26 December 2010

Evaluation of Skills Developed

In producing the preliminary task, I think that my personal skills were developed which was particularly evident during the pre-production stage as I felt tested in how I managed myself and completed each section of the blog. I think I managed this side of the pre-production stage fairly successfully as each task was completed before the deadline. However, our group was generally fragmented during this stage and this gradually slowed this process down. I think this is an area that I could personally improve upon by involving other members of the group and sharing the workload more evenly.
I think my personal skills were further developed during the production stage because I was encouraged to consider aspects of filming which I hadn't thought about before. For example, when moving the curtain during filming, the lighting and shadows will be affected in the footage and could influence the continuity. This should benefit the production in the main task.
In reference to technical skills, I think this was most evident during the production and post-production stage because I had the chance to improve my skills by operating various technical equipment such as, a video recording camera or a video editing software. Personally, I found using the camera quite challenging as I couldn’t move the camera smoothly and judge the position that it needed to be in accurately. However, I enjoyed using the editing software because I was was taught how to use it effectively by another experienced member of the group.
I found that I also enhanced my technical skills during the pre-production stage as I learnt how to use a blog and convert files into a format that would work on the blog.
I think that I have developed my creative skills in the pre-production stage by helping the group to commit to an idea based on the brief that we received. However, I think I could improve on these skills by generating a more original idea, and thinking outside of the box. I think I also need to improve the quality of my presentation on the blog, as there doesn’t seem to be a consistent style in which the information is displayed.
I found that my creative skills were further developed during the post-production stage because as a group we had to adjust the length of various clips and we also decided to insert a quick dissolve at the beginning and at the end of the film to correspond to the style of the X Factor. However, the editing wasn’t very adventurous which is an aspect of this project which could be used to improve the main task. 

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